In February and March 2021, as part of our Virtual Wellbeing Program, DOBARA organized 3 zoom sessions with Dr.Ashank Mishra on Dental Care and Oral Health.
Our oral health is such an important component of our overall health and wellbeing. As we age, the way we care for ourselves also evolves and it is important to keep up with these changes. Thanks to Dr.Ashank, we have a comprehensive guide on the right way to care for our teeth.
Starting with the basics such as How to Brush to more complex essentials - Dr.Ashank has endeavored to cover a large base of knowledge and provide helpful guides, tips and tools for us all:

Dr.Ashank is a Periodontist, Implantologist and Laser Specialist. MDS (Perio), MLD (Austria), MFDRCSI ( Ireland) , MFDS RCPS ( Glasg), FICD (USA).
He is currently based in Hyderabad, India and has his own practice Dental Dontics - Family Family Smile Care Center at Himayatnagar.
Here are the videos for the 3 Part Series conducted by Dr.Ashank :
Part 1 : Busting Dental Care Myths
In this video Dr.Ashank addresses and de-bunks various myths and misinformation linked with dental health care and provides us the correct information. He also answers some of our frequently asked questions on how to maintain and care for our dental health.
Part 2 : Oral Hygiene Tips to Caregivers for Neurodegenerative Disorders
As part of our DOBARA Spotlight on Caregivers and Caregiving, Dr.Ashank has done one session specially to help and aide Caregivers dealing with Neurodegenerative Illnesses. A very helpful and insightful session, full of handy tips and recommendations for caregivers.
Part 3 : The Aging Mouth - How to keep it happy and healthy
A must watch for all senior citizens and soon to be senior citizens. This video is extremely informative and insightful with to-dos and must-haves when it comes to caring for our dental health as we age.
Dr.Ashank has also very generously stated that if anyone reading this or watching our videos has any questions they would like to ask, you can address them to and he will respond.
Also, if anyone would like to contact Dr.Ashank for a private consultation, or to get recommendations on the water flossers or electric toothbrushes mentioned in the videos above, here is his contact information :

Big Thanks to Dr.Ashank Mishra for hosting these sessions with DOBARA! We are so happy to have him and Dental Dontics on board as partners in Senior Health & Wellbeing!
