DOBARA CARES - Our Social Impact

Latest Stories
June 20, 2020
With contributions from our DOBARA Members and in partnership with Hyderabad Urban Labs, we have helped 45 stranded young, male migrants from Assam and Bengal with room and board in Hitech city.
June 19, 2020
Our beloved Family Member, Ahsan Pasha, left us on the 4th of June, but he also left behind 4 large bags of rice in his car loaded, labelled and ready to be delivered. These were the labels : Widows helped by Hyderabad Urban Labs Children of Unique Child Care Along with the names of a few other people. Team DOBARA made sure these rice deliveries took place. Hyderabad Urban Labs even added other supplies to the rice and distributed them to 5 widows in First Lancer and 3 daily wage earner families led by women.
June 2, 2020
Our kind and thoughtful DOBARA volunteer, Shenaz made Sheer-Khorma with love and care and delivered it to the residents of Dar us Suffa Old Age Home in Hyderabad.
May 27, 2020
Today one of our wonderful members will be delivering 6 litres of delicious home-made (with love) Sheer-khorma to the Sister of Charity Old Age Home in Bhoiguda.
May 20, 2020
With contributions from our DOBARA Members we have managed to provide food for 20 loom workers in Syed Nagar. They are migrants, originally from West Bengal.
May 16, 2020
With contributions from our DOBARA Members and in partnership with Hyderabad Urban Labs, we have helped 45 stranded young, male migrants from Assam and Bengal with room and board in Hitech city.
May 13, 2020
Good Universe NGO has been working diligently during the lockdown, prioritizing women’s health and hygiene. Our DOBARA Family contributed to this noble cause because this is an essential aspect of life that is often overlooked. Even more so during times of crisis like this. We are happy to share that so far Good Universe NGO has supported 130 families with Hygiene Kits, 400 families with Groceries and 20 families with Pregnancy Care Kits.
May 12, 2020
Our innovative friends at “Oh Scrap Madras” sent us a message this morning informing us that the contribution from our DOBARA Members helped provide 30 masks to primary caregivers in a slum area and provided income to the tailor who sewed them.